Mon 27 Jan
🔵🔵🔵🔴 ✅▬▬ Grand Opening Dooly Dooly Spa! Guaranteed 100% Real Staff Member Pic!! $60/hr 🔴🔴🔴✅ - 21
(6th Ave Between 30 & 31, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Midtown East, Queens, Westchester)
K fox - 25
(125&5th, Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
♥——█▒█ ♥. GeNTLEMeNS.♥ FaVORitE LaTiNa♥ EXCLuSiVE - 23
(Bronx, yonkers,mt.vernon,new rochelle,white pla)
FaLL🎊iN💞LoVe👯WiTh ℳγ 🍉Jμ¡©¥🍭gRiP⭐ MiNd💨BL¤₩¡NG👅LiPs &👣ToE 🎀cUrLiNg 💜TRiCKs😘 60$ A.M Spls - 22
(Bronx, CONNER ST/ New England Thurway)
-*-*- It's FREE 2 LOOK & Just A SmaLL $COST$ 2 PLAY -*-* DEFINITELY A MOVE 2 MAKE*$ 100 - 20
♡E X P L O S I V E ♡$50 In Spls.【• MOUTH • WATERING • 】! ...& ReADY NoW【spaNKaBℓε αSS KiLLєR CuRvE - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
💋💋💋 Every Man's Fantasy Dominicans- 2girl special 220h party friendly - 23
(Also go to yonkers Manhattan everywhe, Bronx)
exotic mixed vixen!!! beautiful features STRIPPER BODY!!!! i can ride it !! you can get behind it !! - 23
(Bronx, bronx ,weschester, BOSTON RD..........)
♥ HavE YouR WaY WitH ME!!! ☆ 🌟💜 PLeASuRe 🌟 (BEY0nD) 💜 MeAsUrE!💋HoTtie 🌟💜 - 25
(Bronx, Pelham Pkwy /Riverdale Area outcall onl)
Freaky Friday~ Pinkys Tutoring lessons /Call now 100HR (50'S Too) no cover slow neck $70 - 21
(Bronx, bronx,mount vernon,yonker,harlem)
☔CAUTION SLIPPERY 👌👌KiNkY KiNky KiNkY 💋💞vErY oPeN mInDeD jAmAiCaN BaRbIe💞💋2 Girl 💁💁 - - 21
(Bronx, Bronx Manhattan Outcalls)
🌟✨ BODY ✨ BEAUTY ✨ SKILLZ✨ PornSt🌟R FrEaK PERFOMANCE ✨ GET YOUR FIX Total package call 347-912-0974
EARLY 🐤 BIRD 🐥 GET the WORM 🐛 70$ 70$ 70$ Mixxed mami Special 💋INCALLS INCALLS - 20
(Bronx, Bronx / BOSTON RD)
Big Booty Jada specials 347 904 9674 also 2girls specials - 21
(Bronx, 196 btw jerome and morris incall only)
Beyaka I'm 40yrs old Mature Gaby 718 600 3225 Bronx 24/7 Textme R callme Big Tits - 40
(Bronx, Bronx Yonkers Mht All Westchester)
¯`'• ♥ •'´¯) D_A_N_G_E_R_O_ U_S_L_Y -:¦:- A_D_D_i_ C_T_I_N_G (¯`'• ♥ •'´¯) - 21
(Bronx, Bronx incalls & outcalls)
Darker the BeRry Sweeter °• ★•°° ° Let me Please U °•★•°° Petite EbOny Freak - 22
(Bronx, 180 st INcaLL private comfy cool!!)
*** saticfactory is garunteed*** sexy black barbie....... incalls / outcalls - 19
(Valdosta, valdosta,ga)
*:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS - 25
Asian girls. ♥ ready now. ♡ ♥wow 140hr. 200/2girls. 10000% real picture. NEW girls - 21
(Bronx, out calls. out & in riverdale area)
💦BabyBunz💸💋Im only 19!!!347🔥708👅9518Bx Incall!!😻😘😘 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,INCALLONLY!! white plains rd)
💙❤💜💙❤💜Come get your BOOTY Fixx 💜💛💚💜💛💚 #1 of a KIND❤💛💖❤💖💛BUGATTI BABY💙💙💙💙 BIG Booty TREAT - 25
(Bronx, Downtown, Manhattan, Midtown West, Westchester, Yankee Stadium INCALLS)
💦💦Come One...Come All... Come to {GINGER'S WORLD}💦💦👅incalls only - 18
(Bronx, bronx college ave. 10456)
💎💎💎👸🏽 Come & get it work sexy ass black bbw 🍌🍆👅👸🏽💎💎💎 - 20
(Bronx, the Bronx e233 & Webster ave Incalls)
Coco!!! incalls and outcalls! You had rest NOW Try the BEST!!! - 22
(Bronx, Bedford Park/Grand Concourse)
A N Y T H I N G === G O E S === W I T H === M E ===F E L I C I A ==W H I T E G I R L - 23
7O$ Specials 24/7💄💢❤💢 (( SINFULLY SEXY IT@LiAN FR3AK ))💄💢❤💢 (( TOE CURLING SKILLS )) 💄💢❤💢 - 20
$60 SpeciaLz ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ Highly • SkiLLed FrEaK ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ LethaL LipZZZ ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ sMaLL BBW - 22
(Bronx, Bronx (incalls) E. Tremont 175 st.)
(70 spec))) curvy soft and charming sweet Russian treat~~~~~~~~914 564 7505 - 28
(Bronx, North Bronx 242st Incalls apmnt)
👊BUlLT👊★➋🌟 PLEASE ❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌★Big BOOTY★BaCk IN T◯WN❌⭕❌⚪ D◯NT ★MiSS o🌟◯UT ✖Available - 20
(Bronx, White Plains Road)
Japanese, Native American, Caucasian! Young hottie girl next door $130 $80 - 24
(Portland, 160 SE Stark)
5O$p ❄C0me keep Warm Inside Me 👅FuLL Lipz💏 wide Hipz😮 💢 Come Give This🍫🍒Bombshell a Taste - 20
(Allerton Ave/White Plains Rd, Bronx)
50☆Specials☆ Ready★➋☆ Please ▂▃▄ WiTH◯UT★ A☆Doubt ▂▃▄ 2 NASTYY★FreaKs☆ NEXT★DOOR #1 D◯NT ★MiSS ☆◯Ut - 26
(Bronx, Incalls 188 & prospect ave.)
50♥♡ The MYA CARTER experience SEXY thick slim 36DDs cute&FUN; youll LOVE me ♡♥♡♥ 50specials incall - 23
(Bronx, (BRONX) 50 special incall)
$$ 40 Specials Sexy latinas ready to play $$ 40 Specials two girls specials also - 20
(Bronx, Fordham & university)
$50 in-call special- Chocolate ' Skilled Freaky & Ready 2 Fulfill Ur Needs ;) 347659259zero - 21
(Bronx, incalls to 167-boston road & out-calls)
❤BeTTer ThAn HeR⬆AND⬇I AIM 2 ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ⇉#1PARTY GIRL💨➡ My SoFt AsS WoUld HaVe U LuStINg 4 MoRe 👅💦 - 26
(Bronx, Incalls & Outcalls)
💯Beautiful Sweet🍭MiX BomBshell👙limited Edition - 21
(Bronx, Fairfield, incall, Islip, Long Island, New Jersey)
347 366 6719 SEXY NEW MUST SEE ATTRACTION... $60 specials... Total Package... BIG BUBBLE BU - 21
*40* Girl dominicana Hot valery and lucy bebe incall 9292506374 - 26
(184st and park Ave bronx, Bronx)
347-851-2515 I'm back in town by popular demand special 100% ME OR FREE - 21
(Bronx, 6 train Bronx Castle Hill I host only)