Mon 27 Jan
Welcome ACC Fans! Treat Yourself to a Tantric/Erotic Massage Call Bella @ 7046049418 Outcall Only!! - 28
đź’‹ Friday special for the body rub you want! Come see Samantha! - 39
(Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, High Point, Raleigh / Durham, Winston / Salem)
RELAXATION and TANTRIC COACHING... Visiting TODAY Fri April 29th (till 10pm) & Sat (9am-noon) - 40
(Greensboro area.)
💋New PICS!! ❤Gorgeous & Classy Redbone❤ Professional or sensual touch massage. - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro, NC)
April 8-April 15: Due to popular demand Cindy is still taking appointments!!!
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, Outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
ErOtic ReLaXaTion, SeNsUaL eXpLoRaTion, TanTric CoaChing & More... w/Layla, The Traveling Tantrica. - 45
(Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington)
Wed 08 Jan
đź’„Double your đź’„pleasure đź’‹double đź‘ your fun đź’‹one of us is a transsexual - 26
(Boone, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Salisbury off 85 exit 76, Winston / Salem)
Only here for a limited Time - Asian and Latinas Massage - 24
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Incall, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan